Saturday 29 September 1979

4. Bradshaw Works


The history of Bradshaw Works, initially a water driven corn mill and subsequently a bleachworks owned by the Hardcastle family from 1834 to 1963.


Publication Number4
TitleBradshaw Works
AuthorJ J Francis
Year Published1979
Number of Pages76
ISBN Number9781904974048
Amazon ASIN190497404X (view on Amazon)
Price & AvailabilitySee publications list

Cover Photo

Turton Local History Society #4 - Bradshaw Works


Bradshaw Brook, p1
The First Mills, p3
The Early Bleaching Methods, p4
The Whitsters of Bradshaw, p8
The Industrial Revolution, p10
Industrial Change in Bradshaw, p12
The Transition, p19
The Hardcastle Influence, p27
The Build-up, p31
Early Working Conditions, p36
Works Extensions, p44
Thomas Hardcastle II, p51
Into the 20th Century, p59
The Last Chapter, p68
The Bowker - Historian, p75

Surnames Included

Ainsworth, Albinson, Appleton, Ashworth, Barnard, Birks, Blinkhorn, Bolling, Bowker, Bradshaw, Brandon, Bridson, Bromley, Chantler, Cole, Cort, Cross, Crossley, Darbyshire, Deakin, Derbyshire, Eagle, Edge, Entwistle, Fairclough, Farrington, Greenhalgh, Haley, Hamer, Hardcastle, Hardman, Hargreaves, Haslam, Haworth, Heaton, Hodson, Holland, Holme, Holt, Home, Horrocks, Howarth, Hulme, Isherwood, Jackson, Kay, Kaye, Kirkman, Knowles, Leather, Lever, Lindsay, Lomax, Marsden, Massey, Miller, Morris, Naylor, Nuttall, Ormerod, Orrell, Parker, Phethean, Pilling, Purdon, Ramsden, Ramwell, Ridgeway, Robinson, Rushton, Scowcroft, Settle, Seymour, Shaw, Slater, Smethurst, Smith, Stanton, Sumner, Swift, Thompson, Thwait, Thwaites, Thweat, Torrens, Turner, Wait, Warburton, Waring, Whitehead, Whittle, Wild, Willis, Wolstenholme, Wood, Woods, Wylde, Yates

Surnames: Slater, Lomax, Hardcastle, Scowcroft, Thweat
Word cloud indicating surname frequency