Talks start at 7.30pm at Harwood Methodist Church, apart from the walks in May, June and July, for which the locations are specified in the event post (see link below).
- 23 Jan - Turton's Textile Mills (Richard Horrocks)
- 27 Feb - Tales from The Hangman’s Record (Steve Fielding)
- 27 Mar - Tillotson Publishing Family of Bolton (Carole O'Reilly)
- 24 Apr - Reginald Dart's Town Plan for Turton 1947 (David Lloyd)
- 22 May - Visit to the Library of Light Orchestral Music (Hilary Ashton)
- 26 Jun - Visit to Darwen Heritage Centre (Tony Foster)
- 24 Jul - Tour of Deane Parish Church (Rev Terry Clark)
- 28 Aug - Turton and Bolton Artifacts (Ged Melia)
- 25 Sep - Manchester Portraits (Brian Groom)
- 23 Oct - The Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal (David Barnes)
- 27 Nov - AGM (Members Evening)