Saturday 2 June 2018

Turton Overseers of the Poor 1669 - 1784

A List of the names who have been Overseeres of the Poore since the year 1669

A List of the names who have been Overseeres of the Poore since the year 1669
Bolton Archives - PTU1

1669 Rich: Orrell, John Horridge
1670 Francis Coope, Rich Heddock
1671 Ja: Kershaw bronfield, Will Kershaw Batrige
1672 Jo: Woods, Robert Horribin
1673 Charles Hardman, Will Booth
1674 John Woods, James Barlow
1675 Chrst: Horrocks, Ralph Brooke
1676 John Woodside Oake, Will Kershaw Sen.
1677 Rich: Dewhurst, Tho: Kerkham
1678 Rodger Shorrock, Rich: Heddock
1679 Ralph Orrell, Edmond Whewell
1680 John Woods
1681 John Battersbey
1682 Roger Shorrock
1683 James Kershaw snr
1684 Rich: Orrell jnr
1685 Rich: Orrell snr
1686 Will: Kershaw jnr, Tho: Kerckham
1687 Tho: Kerkham, James Kershaw
1688 Francis Coope, Tho: Orrell for haddocks
1689 Rich: Low, Joseph Neild
1690 George Romsden, John Knowles
1691 John Hoult snr, James Barlow
1692 John Rainford Orellfold, James Cooper
1693 John Orrell jnr, James Warburton
1694 Makepeace Mason, James Barlow for pass
1695 Simon Lomax, John Coope for hardmans
1696 Chirst: Horrocks, John Woods at Wood End
1697 John Woods snr, Rich: Boulton heddock
1698 Thomas Meddowcroft, Samll: Pilkington for Sargent
1699 Tho: Mather, Ric: Haworth
1700 Tho: Bromely, Will Lomax
1701 John Horrocks, John Nuttall for Brooks
1702 Ja: Mason Isherwoods, James Hoult for Whittels
1703 Ja: Ashworth de Oake, Nic: Kershaw bronnefield
1704 John Haslom Edgertons, George Horridge horiges?
1705 Evan Dewhurst, James Kershaw for Ralph Orrel
1706 Will: Woods, Will Lomax for Batrige
1707 John Batersbey, James Mason wameslys
1708 Tho: Marsden, Evan Pilkington, Jo: Mayolh [sic]
1709 Ralph Orrell for Orrellfould, Tho: Brownley litell more?
1710 Ric: Low, James Kershaw snr.
1711 James Pilkington, Tho: Rawstron made no counts
1712 Ric: Orrell Nabb, John Marsh
1713 John Knowles, Will: Rishton
1714 John Thomasson timberbotham, Ja: Kershaw Stones bank
1715 John Thomasson fined? by towne
1716 John Ashworth litell Oake, Rob: Whewell
1717 James Hoult, Tho: Parkington
1718 Francis Taylor, Ja: Knowles town parish denid?
1719 Edm: Woods, John Cooper for kenyons
1720 John Key, Ja: Kershaw snr, brownfield
1721 Henry Hardman, Roger Shorrock both houses
1722 James Woods wodend, Ja: Livsey for Romsdens
1723 John Mather, Ric: Orrell for uporhouses
1724 James Knowles, John Mather for Coopers
1725 Will Low for Tho: Bromely, James Fogg
1726 John Horrocks, Simon Lomax
1727 James Barlow, Henry Haworth for Haworth tenemt
1728 Great Oack, William Marsh pars,
1729 Evan Dewhurst, Nathan Kay for Mosside
1730 Evan Pilkington Edgertons, Ric: Gregson Brad?
1731 Robert Woods, John Thomasson
1732 John Mayson, Thomas Kay
1733 John Battersby, Robert Wodde for Meddowcrofts
1734 Orrill Fould Richard Orrell
1735 John Marsden, John Haworth
1736 William Low, Nicholas Kershaw for Branfield
1737 Tho: Rawstron horobin mill, Will Kershaw Batterigg
1738 John Marsh cusins, John Warburton Horridges
1739 James Knoles ouselnest, John Woods for Cristoper? Mayo
1740 Timberbottom Crisopher Rawsthorn
1741 John Ashworth Oak, John Haworth
1742 James Holt, join {James Holt for Three Lows?, Thomas Brownlow more end?
1743 Widd Talor for Top of Turton, John Kershaw [?????]
1744 John Mason for Holdone, Josiah Holt for Bufes and Top oth Meadow
1745 William Low, William Mayoh for Rushtone
1746 James Kay, John Orrell for Moside
1747 Edmund Wood, James Green for both tenements
1748 Richard Pilkington, William Lomax Tent: for Edmund Whewell
1749 Henery Hardman, William Lomax Nabb
1750 James Wood for Wood End, John Nutall for Brooks Tenemt
1751 John Walmsley & William Rawsthorn, Peter Crook for Mathers
1752 James Lomax Tarkingtons, John Knowls Top Turton
1753 Edmund Whewell Grindle-end, Willm: Haslam Bertinshaw
1757 John Horrocks, James Knowles
1755 Samuel Hamer, Will Holt
1756 Richard Dewhurst, Thomas Haslam
1757 Thomas Fogg for Edgertons, Richard Orrell for Overhouses
1758 John Wood, Rob: Mason for Coopers
1759 John Mason, Thos: Fogg for Upperhouses
1760 John Ashworth, John Lomax
1761 John Orrell Orrell, James Barlow
1762 Ralph Marsden, John Hamer
1763 John Orrell Hired for the Town
1764 John Orrell Hired for the Town
1765 John Toping, Jeremiah Marsh pars
1766 John Whitehead, Jonathan Kershaw
1767 John Smith Timberttom, John Kay Ledger & Rodger Sharrock
1768 Ralph Hole, John Kay Moside
1769 James Knowles for Ousle nest, James Whewell for Bradleys
1770 George Holt, Richard Thomaso [sic]
1771 John Ormorod, James Kay Whittles
1772 John Knowles for Ramels, John Howarth for Medowcrofts
1773 John Whitehead for {Stones, Holdens, Edmund Bury, William Holt for Shore
1774 Ralph Orrell, John Kay for Brandfield } both in the higher end
1775 George Holt woodend, John Kay Smith } both Lower end
1776 Batteridge Hired Saml. Holt,  James Haworth for Haworth } Higer end
1777 Edmund Wood, James Hardman } Lower end Hired Saml. Holt
1778 Widow Crook Matherfold, John Warburton Horridges } Hired James Pilling
1779 John Knowles Headocks, Chrisr. Mayoh Top oth Brow } Saml. Holt
1780 William Haslam Bertenshaw, Peter Mayoh & William Fielding Top oth Brow } Hired Saml. Holt
1781 Joseph Walsh for part of Dunscar Lowerend, Richd. Pilkinton and Ralph Haworth higher end
1782 Thomas Smith Oake Lowerend, Laurence Haworth, James Wood } Higher end
1783 Adam Lomax Lowerend, Samuel Holt threelows & Littlemoor
1784 Wid: Pilkington Sishey, Thos. Horrockes Rock, James Kershaw Green walls