Monday 29 September 1986

7. Enclosure of Edgworth Moor


Details of the 1795 Act for the enclosure of Edgworth Moor and awards of land.


Publication Number7
TitleEnclosure of Edgworth Moor
AuthorJ J Francis
Year Published1986
Number of Pages24
ISBN Number9781904974079
Amazon ASIN1904974074 (view on Amazon)
Price & AvailabilitySee publications list

Cover Photo

Turton Local History Society #7 - Enclosure of Edgworth Moor


Historic Background to Enclosures, p3
The Manor of Edgworth, p3
Edgworth v Entwistle 1672, p5
The Enclosure Act, p6
Administration of the Awards, p8
The Roadways, p8
The Awards of Allotments, p11
The Final Stages, p21

Surnames Included

Ainsworth, Ashworth, Aspden, Aspen, Barlow, Baron, Bentley, Booth, Bower, Bradshaw, Brandwood, Brewer, Bridge, Bromiley, Bunfield, Bury, Crompton, Duckworth, Eccles, Entwistle, Fitton, Fletcher, Fogg, Gilbert, Green, Grimshaw, Hamer, Hargreaves, Haworth, Haydock, Heywood, Holding, Horrocks, Hutchinson, Isherwood, Kay, Kaye, Knowles, Lawson, Longworth, Low, Melling, Norbury, Orrell, Pickering, Radcliffe, Roscow, Rostron, Scholes, Simm, Smith, Thomasson, Trafford, Tressidder, Vickers, Walmsley, Whitehead, Williams, Winder, Withers, Wood, Woodcock, Wright, Yates

Surnames: Orrell, Brandwood, Knowles, Entwistle, Haworth, Kay
Word cloud indicating surname frequency
