The third edition of a booklet on the flood of 1927, originally written by the local vicar, including articles from the Bolton Evening News and the Manchester Guardian. Includes also a record of further flooding in Bradshaw until 2001.Details
Publication Number | 6 |
Title | Bradshaw Floods |
Author | Rev S H Martin and J J Francis |
Year Published | 1984 |
Number of Pages | 44 |
ISBN Number | 9781904974970 |
Amazon ASIN | 190497497X (view on Amazon) |
Price & Availability | See publications list |
Cover Photo
Original and current edition.

The Bradshaw FloodThe Day of the Flood
Another Version
After the Flood
A Restoration Fund
A General Survey
An Act of God
Original Advertisements
Additional Illustrations
The Tower Fund and other Floods
The Tower Fund
Support from Local Business
Other Bradshaw Floods
Lee Gate, August 1986Cover of original book
Rev S H Martin
Churchyard before the flood
Churchyard after the flood
Girls' Playground
Boys' Playground
By the Smithy
Entrance to Bradshaw Hall
Ruins of playground wall
Village cobbler
Clog/boot sign
Bradshaw chapel: 1950s
St Maxentius Boys' Playground
Weft Cottage
School Row
Bradshaw Chapel 1872
Car boot sale
Victorian Fair
The first Bradshaw Duck Race
Gathering on completion of repairs
Unveiling the plaque
Floodwater in New Heys
Bradshaw Brook in flood
Flooding at Rigby's Bridge
Normal conditions and Rigby's Bridge
Rigby's Cricket and Tennis Club
Well Caught!
Marcus Harrison's garden
Drainage work
Clearing a culvert
Mrs Elaine Derbyshire's garden
Flooding at Bradshaw School
Bradshaw Road/Bradshaw Meadows
Bradshaw Bridge: 1980
Flood at Lea Gate: August 1986
More of the flooding at Lea Gate: August 1986
Storm in Bradshaw
Michelle Page mopping up
Early plan of Bradshaw Chapel
OS map of Bradshaw
The Old Chapel Tower, Bradshaw
Surnames Included
Anderson, Arden, Astley, Atkinson, Barnard, Bidder, Bridge, Brockbank, Brooks, Callis, Cooper, Crewe, Danials, Daniels, Dargan, Davis, Derbishire, Derbyshire, Dunn, Edgell, Fell, Gassick, Greenhalgh, Haley, Hall-Davis, Hamer, Hardcastle, Harrison, Haslam, Hattersley, Henigan, Hilton, Holt, Horrocks, Isherwood, Kay, Ketchen, Kinnersly, Lee, Lindsay, Maloney, Martin, Morris, Noble, Nuttall, Openshaw, Page, Peak, Pendlebury, Pennington, Platt, Prince, Roscoe, Russell, Sayer, Seddon, Simmers, Slark, Smith, Southworth, Stevens, Taylor, Tonge, Vickers, Waddicor, Walkden , Walmsley, Wilkes, Winter![]() |
Word cloud indicating surname frequency |