Saturday 25 January 2020

Worrall's Directory 1871 - Turton & Neighbourhood

Turton, Bromley Cross, Chapeltown, Egerton, Eagley Bridge and Neighbourhood.

TURTON is a township in the parish and Union of Bolton, four miles north, situated on the Blackburn line of railway, the Bolton turnpike road, and a small rivulet called Bradshaw brook. The Church, dedicated to St. Ann is situated at Chapeltown ; it is a neat stone building, and has nave, aisles, chancel, porch, and tower containing one bell, east window of richly-stained glass, a spire and pinnacles, an organ, and part of a library, left by Humphrey Chetham, Esq., in 1654. The register dates from 1813. The living is of the annual value of £150 ; the Rev. James Ogden King Spencer is the present vicar. There are Chapels for Independents, Presbyterians, and Unitarians, and several Day and Sunday Schools in the township. A fair is held at Chapeltown on the 4th and 5th of September yearly, for horses, cattle, etc. The township is partly in Christchurch and St. Ann's districts. There are cotton mills, paper, print, bleach works, and several quarries in the township. There are charities of upwards of £30 yearly value. Turton tower an old stone building, having two gables of wood and plaster in front, is the residence of James Kay, Esq.; in Camden's time it was the residence of the illustrious family of Orrell. The population of the whole townhip in 1861 was 4,513; the acreage is 4110; the rateable value was in March, 1866, £15,370; March, 1868, £15,339 ; and in March, 1870, £16,946.

EGERTON is a well-built, neat village of stone, pleasantly situated on the Bolton and Blackburn turnpike road, three miles north from Bolton, and about a mile and a half north-west from Bromley Cross railway station. The Established Church, called Christ Church, situated at Walmsley, is a stone building in the early English style of architecture, was erected in 1839, and was partly rebuilt and enlarged in 1868. It has nave, aisles, chancel, and tower containing one bell, and surmounted with pinnacles ; the interior contains an organ and three stained glass windows. The living is of the annual value £150, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Bolton, and held by the Rev. Ralph Culvert Williams Croft, B.A., of Trinity College, Dublin. The Ecclesiastical district embraces Birtenshaw, Dimple, Dunscar, Eagley bridge, Egerton, Hardmans, Stanrose, Stones, Toppings and Walmsley. There are chapels for Independents, Wesleyans, and Unitarians, National and British schools. Here are extensive cotton, bleaching, and dyeworks. The
land is chiefly pasture.

EAGLEY BRIDGE is a neat hamlet, 2 1/2 miles south-west from Chapeltown railway station and is separated from Eagley bank by a small rivulet on the bank of which there is a paper manufactory and ironfoundry. There is a well-built School at Eagley bridge, which is licensed for divine service; it was erected by Messrs. Chadwick and Brothers.

Post Office, Money Order, Saving's Bank and Telegraph Office, Egerton, James Mayoh postmaster. Letters through Bolton, by foot post, arrive at 7-45 a.m.; despatched a 8-15 p.m. There is a post office receiving house at Turton bottoms.

Insurance Agent,—Royal Fire & Life, James Hoyle, Turton bottoms


British, Eagley bridge (boys and girls), Wm. Pennington, master ; Miss Jane Gregory mistress; Miss Frances Kelley, infants' mistress
British, Egerton (boys and girls), John Wm. Sumner, master ; Elizabeth Armstrong, mistress
National, Egerton, Maria Hartley, mistress
National, Chapeltown, William Thos. Dixon, master

Conveyance—Messrs. Greenwood & Holden's omnibus runs between Egerton and Bolton on Mondays and Saturdays
Carriers pass between Bolton and Blackburn


Appleton Henry, Esq., Horrobin cottage
Appleton Thomas, Esq., Horrobin house
Armitstead Robert, Esq., Dunscar
Arrowsmith Thomas, Esq., Lower house
Ashworth Edmund, Esq., J.P., Egerton hall
Ashworth Edmund, Jun. Esq., Egerton house
Ashworth Geo. Binns, Esq., Birtenshaw
Ashworth Henry, Esq., J.P., The Oaks
Ashworth John, Esq., Rose hill
Ashworth Samuel, Esq., Egerton cottage
Booth James, Esq., Spring bank
Brewster Mr. John, Vale view, Eagley
Cannon John, Esq., J.P., Spring bank
Cartwright Misses, Windy harbour
Clarke Rev. James, The Manse, Egerton
Croft Rev. Ralph Culvert Williams, B.A., Walmsley parsonage, Egerton
Deakin Rev. James, Moss cottage, Egerton
Deakin Mr. Edward, Dewhurst house, Egerton
Foster Peter, Esq., Holly bank
France Mr. Frank, Cousin fold
Galindo Rev. Philemon Alfred, B.A., Bradshaw brow
Greenhalgh Mr. Joseph, Vale house
Hamer Mr. John, Spring terrace
Isherwood Samuel, Esq., Bank house, Dunscar
Kay James, Esq., Turton tower
Knowles Mr. James, The Laurels
Lewis Mr. William, Spring terrace
Lowe Mr. Jesse, Spring terrace
Lowe Mr. Peter, Spring terrace
Marson Gervase, Esq., Eagley bank, L.B
Mather Mr. William, Park terrace, Eagley bank, L.B
Mayoh Mr. James, Stanrose house
Millington George, Esq., Lower house
Ormrod Mr. Oliver, Park terrace, Eagley bank, L.B.
Riley Mr, James, Mount pleasant
Robinson John, Esq., Egerton
Schofield Ephraim, Esq., Over house
Sewell Mr. William, Stanrose villas, Egerton
Slater George, Esq., Dunscar
Spencer Rev. James O. K., Hazle bank
Taylor Mr. Samuel, Stanrose villas, Egerton
Unsworth Thomas, Esq., Highfield
Woodhouse Thomas, Esq., Highfield


Appleton Thomas & Co., bleachers and dyers, Turton and Bradshaw works
Ashworth Edmund and Sons, cotton spinners and thread manufacturers, Egerton mills
Ashworth John and Sons, land agents and valuers, Rose hill
Bailey Nathan, farmer, Brownfield
Barnes George, shopkeeper, Eagley
Barnes Mary, shopkeeper, Egerton
Bentley & Walsh, stone quarryowners, Union quarry, Cox green
Bentley Isaac, Cross Guns
Bentley John, beer retailer
Bentley John, shopkeeper, Chapeltown
Bentley Peter, wheelwright, Dimple
Bentley Thomas, farmer
Booth & Duckworth, cotton spinners, Turton Bottoms
Bridge James, farmer, Nicoden
Bridge James, shopkeeper, Hardmans
Briggs and Holden, soda water and ginger beer manufacturers, Green's Arms, Egerton
Briggs George, farmer Old mans
Briggs John, Green's Arms Inn, Egerton
Brooks Hannah, shopkeeper, Eagley bank, L. B.
Brooks Thomas, beer retailer, Eagley bank L. B.
Bury Edmund, jun., farmer, Clough
Bury Henry, farmer, Coopers
Bury John, coal merchant, Pleasant view, Cox green
Carrodus Jonathan, relieving officer & regisitrar of births and deaths for the Turton district, Bromley cross
Chadwick James and Brother, manufacturers of smallwares, sewing cotton, &c., bleachers and dyers of thread & twist, Eagley mills, near Bolton
Crane John, shopkeeper, Egerton
Crook John, shopkeeper, Egerton
Crook Jonah, farmer, Rushtons
Crook Samuel, farmer, Brownfield
Crook Samuel, farmer, Greenwalls
Crowshaw William, farmer, Higher Dunscar
Davies Jane, plumber, glazier and farmer, Bradshaw brow
Deakin Edward, bleacher  and dyer, Egerton dye works, and Belmont
Dixon William Thomas, schoolmaster, Chapel town
Dearden John Edward and Joseph Thomas, cotton manufacturers and spinners, Spring bank mill Eagley Co-operative Society, grocers, Eagley Bridge; Richard Hoyle, manager
Eagley Paper Mill Co , paper manufacturers, Eagley
Egerton Co-operative Society, limited, grocers, drapers, butchers, etc.; Thomas Teasdale, manager
Entwistle George, farmer, Chetham Arms Inn, Chapeltown
Entwistle James, quarryowner, Cox green
Entwistle Joseph, farmer, Battridge
Entwistle Jonathan, clogger, Egerton
Featherstone Peter, farmer, Timber bottom
Fletcher Alice, shopkeeper, Toppings
Flelcher Samuel, joiner and builder, Bolton road, Chapeltown
France Frank, surveyor, Cousin fold
Gooden John, shopkeeper, Egerton
Gray John, farmer, Cox green
Gregson James, Top o'th' brow
Grime Ralph, butcher, Eagley
Hall Jane, Spread Eagle, Eagley
Hamer Benjamin, farmer and wheelwright, Higher Howarths
Hamer Henry, Volunteer, Toppings
Hamer John, manufacturer, Turton mill
Harwood Lawrence, paper manufacturer, River vale
Haslam James, farmer, Toppings
Haslam Peter, boot and shoemaker, School street, Eagley
Howarth John, senr., cotton manufacturer and spinner, Victoria mill, Chapel Town
Higham Ann, shopkeeper, Egerton
Holden John, shopkeeper, near Cross Guns, Egerton
Holt Ann, farmer and shopkeeper, Mount Pleasant
Holt James Carr, shopkeeper, Dunscar
Holt John, shopkeeper and beer retailer, Egerton
Holt Orrell, farmer, Shore
Holt Samuel, farmer, Shore
Hornby Oliver, farmer, Warburtons
Hornby Robert, shopkeeper, farmer and beer retailer, Dimple, Egerton
Horrocks Helme, beer retailer, Egerton
Horrocks Maria, shopkeeper, Dunscar
Horrocks William, farmer, Torkingtons
Houghton John, farmer, Birtenshaw
Houghton Richard, farmer, Holts
Howard Mary, linen draper, Egerton
Howarth John, farmer, Sishey
Hoyle James, grocer and clogger, Bridge house, Turton bottoms
Hunt Henry, farmer, Toppings
Isherwood John, shopkeeper, Dunscar lane
Kay Arthur, farmer
Kay Charles, milliner and draper, Toppings
Kay James, blacksmith, 12 Lougworth lane, Egerton
Kay John, farmer, Mather fold, Egerton
Kay John, beer retailer, Cox green
Kay Luke, clogger, Chapeltown
Kay Samuel, farmer, Birtenshaw
Kay William, farmer, Sishey
Kershaw Richard, farmer, Hardmans, Egerton
Kershaw Samuel, King William IV., and farmer
Knowles Andrew and Son, ironfounders and coal proprietors, Eagley
Knowles James, coal proprietor, The Laurels, Toppings
Knowles Thomas, farmer, Hamer fold, Chapel town
Leach Ruth, dressmaker, Egerton
Leach William, farmer, Holdens, Egerton
Lever Robert, tailor, 2 Cox green
Leyland Thomas, beer retailer and shopkeeper
Lomax Samuel, farmer, Army graves
Lomax James, farmer, Spring bank, Eagley
Lowe, Robinson and Riley, paper makers, Turton Tower mill, Chapeltown
Mc.Lean John, tailor, Egerton
Marsden James, farmer, Ramsdens
Marsden William, milliner and boot and shoemaker, Egerton
Marsh James, farmer, Parrs, Egerton
Martin and Peacock, joiners and builders, Chapeltown
Mason John, farmer, Stanrose
Mather Joseph, Railway hotel, Bromley cross
Mayoh Isaac, farmer, Gregsons
Mayoh James, farmer, Egerton
Mayoh James, postmaster and carrier, Postoffice, Egerton
Mayoh James, farmer, Whittle
Mayoh John, farmer, Howarth's farm
Mayoh John, farmer, Buffs
Mayoh Robert, auctioneer and farmer, Moss side
Mayoh William, farmer, Top o' th' Brow
Mayoh, William, farmer, Kenyons, Egerton
Mellody James, shopkeeper, Chapeltown
Morris Abraham, Farmers' Arms, High street, Chapeltown
Ormrod Betty, farmer, Cousin fold
Peacock Elizabeth, linen draper, Eagley
Proctor David, beer retailer, Egerton
Ramsden William, painter, plasterer and paperhanger, Egerton
Reed Edward, tailor, Eagley
Robinson John, surgeon, Egerton
Robinson Peter, shopkeeper, Dunscar
Rogerson John, shoemaker, 2 Longworth lane, Egerton
Rorke Brontier, tailor and draper, Egerton
Rorke Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Egerton
Scholes Sarah, farmer, Goosecote hill
Seddon Henry, joiner and cabinet maker, 3 Longworth lane, Egerton
Sharples Thomas, shopkeeper, Green's arms
Shorrock William, beer retailer, Egerton
Simm Thomas, farmer, Orrills
Simmers James, police constable, Chapeltown
Simpson Robert, farmer, Dimple
Simpson Thomas, shopkeeper, Egerton
Slater G. aud J., bleachers, Dunscar
Slater Thomas, farmer, Orrills
Spencer Ann, shopkeeper, and beer retailer, Egerton
Stephenson Edward, clogger, Eagley bank L.B.
Stevens Thomas, sand merchant, Dimple
Stones William, Sportsman's lnn, Toppings
Taylor Thomas, shopkeeper, Egerton
Terry Henry, clogger, Toppings
Terry Vincent, clogger, Egerton
Thistlethwaite William, Globe, Egerton
Tootill Frederick, beer retailer and fent dealer, Chapeltown
Topping John, shopkeeper, Eagley bank, L.B.
Turton Moor Coal and Fire Clay Co., coal proprietors, and fire brick makers, Egerton
Vickers James, shopkeeper, Toppings
Walmsley John, shopkeeper, Toppings
Walmsley Robert, clogger, Eagley
Walsh James, boot and shoemaker, Dimple, Egerton
Warburton ——, stone quarry owner and beer retailer, Cox green
Warburton Geo., shopkeeper, Egerton
Ward John, farmer, Stone's bank
Ward Thomas, coal agent, Chapeltown