A history of poor relief in Turton and the provision of local workhouses.Details
Publication Number | 34 |
Title | Turton Workhouse |
Author | D J Leeming |
Year Published | 2011 |
Number of Pages | 76 |
ISBN Number | 9781904974345 |
Amazon ASIN | 1904974341 (view on Amazon) |
Price & Availability | See publications list |
Cover Photo

1. The Poor Law2. The Poor Law in Bolton Parish
3. The Poor Law in Turton c1730 - 1829
4. Active Years at Turton 1830 - 1861
5. Closure, Public House and Demolition
(1) Trustees and Governors(2) Maintenance, Baptisms and Burials
(3) Census Returns
Artist’s impression of Turton Workhouse. (front cover)OS map showing Turton Workhouse in 1848. (title page)
Street whipping in Tudor times. (p4)
Street begging in Tudor times. (p4)
Mealtime for male workhouse inmates. (p11)
Mealtime for female workhouse inmates. (p11)
OS 25 inch map of 1910 showing Bolton Poor Law Offices. (p14)
OS 6 inch map of 1847 showing Fletcher Street workhouse in Bolton. (p17)
Plaque at the site of Brindle Workhouse. (p21)
Riot at Stockport Workhouse in 1842. (p21)
Doffcocker Inn, formerly the Halliwell Workhouse. (p22)
Lancaster Moor Asylum. (p22)
The former Entwistle Workhouse. (p24)
The former Harwood Workhouse. (p24)
Order for cloth for a pauper child. (p27)
Letting notice for Goose Cote Hill Farm. (p30)
Receipt for cloth bought for the poor. (p30)
Bolton Methodist preachers’ plan of 1818. (p31)
List of cloth lengths distributed to poor people, 1819. (p33)
Letter from the Workhouse Master and plan of proposed alterations. (p34)
Map of the ‘Bolton Union’. (p36)
Admission form for entrants to Turton Workhouse. (p38)
OS 6 inch map of 1848 showing Turton Workhouse and adjacent area. (p41)
Notice of Public Vestry Meeting in 1849. (p41)
Cox Green Road in 1939. (p42)
Cox Green Road in 1910. (p42)
Plan of Goose Cote Farm. (p47)
Plan of the old hospital at Goose Cote. (p47)
Receiving Order for admission to Prestwich Asylum. (p57)
Statement Form for admission to Prestwich Asylum. (p58)
Notice for letting Goose Cote Hill Farm. (p59)
The Sportsman’s Arms Inn. (p59)
Notices of sale and auction of the former workhouse. (p61)
Map showing the Bolton Union Workhouse at Fishpool in 1891. (p62)
The Bolton Union Workhouse at Fishpool when new. (p62)
Notice for the sale of the De Rothwell Arms in 1891. (p64)
The De Rothwell Arms c1910. (p65)
Plan of the De Rothwell Arms. (p66)
Cox Green Quarry and the former workhouse c1920. (p66)
Advertisement for Alexandra Brewery. (p67)
Map showing De Rothwell Cottages and Cox Green Quarry in 1890s. (p68)
Turton UDC Committee inspecting at Cox Green Quarry in 1946. (p68)
Site of the former Turton Workhouse in 2011. (p69)
Cox Green Road adjacent to the quarry. (p69)
Walmsley Chapel. (p73)
Rules to be observed at Turton Workhouse (inner back cover)
Former Poor Law Offices in Mawdsley Street, Bolton (outer back cover)
Surnames Included
Abbot, Aitken, Almond, Armistead, Ashcroft, Ashworth, Aspinall, Banks, Barlow, Barrow, Baxter, Bennison, Bentley, Benyon, Berry, Best, Beswick, Bibby, Blackburn, Blackstone, Boardman, Bolton, Booth, Bothwell, Brandwood, Brindle, Broadbelt, Broadman, Brogden, Bromeley, Bromiley, Bromily, Bromley, Brooks, Broomfield, Brown, Browne, Bury, Carrodus, Carter, Chadwick, Chapman, Chetham, Collins, Coop, Cooper, Cowborn, Croft, Crompton, Crook, Cross, Crowther, Cunliffe, Davenport, Davis, Dawson, Deakin, Dean, Disley, Dixon, Dobson, Duxbury, Eastwood, Eccles, Edge, Edwards, Ellidge, Entwistle, Eyland, Farnall, Fielding, Filtcroft, Fletcher, Fowler, Garnett, Garratt, Gaukroger, Gerrard, Godbert, Green, Greenhalgh, Gregory, Grey, Grime, Grisdale, Grundy, Hall, Halliwell, Halton, Hamer, Hargreaves, Harper, Haslam, Haworth, Hayes, Helm, Helme, Hewsen, Heywood, Highfield, Higson, Hindle, Hinks, Hobson, Hodson, Holcroft, Holden, Holt, Hornby, Horridge, Horrobin, Horrocks, How, Howard, Howartd, Howarth, Hubbersty, Hughes, Hullock, Hulme, Husby, Ingham, Irving, Isherwood, James, Jepson, Kay, Kenyon, Kershaw, Kinder, Kinkade, Knowles, Latham, Lawe, Leach, Lever, Linn, Livesey, Lomax, Longworth, Lowe, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacLoughland, Maddin, Makant, Makinson, Mangnall, Marsden, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Mather, Mayoh, McCann, Morris, Moscrop, Mulligan, Mulrooney, Murphy, Musgrave, Nicholson, Nightingale, Nochols, Norris, Nuttall, O'Brien, O'Hara, Oldham, Openshaw, Ormrod, Orrell, Parker, Parkinson, Partington, Pendlebury, Pickering, Pilkington, Pilling, Platt, Pollitt, Probert, Radcliffe, Rainford, Ramell, Ratcliffe, Redford, Richardson, Rigby, Riley, Robinson, Rogers, Rooney, Roscow, Rostron, Rothwell, Rushton, Russell, Scholes, Scowcroft, Settle, Shanoth, Sharpies, Sharples, Sharratt, Sharrocks, Simm, Skelton, Slater, Smethurst, Smith, Stewart, Stone, Stott, Sudren, Sudworth, Summers, Taylor, Threfall, Thwaites, Townley, Turner, Twist, Waddington, Wainwright, Walch, Walker, Walsh, Warburton, Ward, Warner, Watch, West, Whewll, Whitehead, Whiteley, Whitley, Whitner, Whittle, Wilkins, Wilson, Winder, Wolfenden, Wood, Woolsome, Worsley, Wylde, Yates![]() |
Wordcloud indicating surname frequency |