Saturday 29 September 2007

29. Turton Fair


A description of the famous annual fair held at Chapeltown, Turton until the 1930s, based mainly on an 18th century poem about the event.


Publication Number29
TitleTurton Fair
AuthorAlec & Pat Bagley
Year Published2007
Number of Pages64
ISBN Number9781904974291
Amazon ASIN1904974295 (view on Amazon)
Price & AvailabilitySee publications list

Cover Photo

Turton Local History Society #29 - Turton Fair


St Annes and fairground (front cover)
Original title page (i)
Comment on the poem (iv)
Turton Sermon Service (p8)
Old Chapel (p9)
St Annes Church (p9)
Turton Tower (p10)
Sir James Lee Knowles (p10)
Old School House (p11)
W T Dixon (p11)
Aerial view of the horse field (p17)
Map of Chapeltown c 1830 (p17)
Map of Chapeltown c 1890 (p18)
The football field (p18)
Notice of cattle sale (p19)
The Horse Fair c 1910 (p19)
Turton Fair c 1910 (p22)
A gingerbread pedlar (p22)
Swing-boats (p24)
Chetham Arms (p27)
Farmers’ Arms (p27)
Riotous behaviour (p30)
Gaming and eating (p34)
James Whitehead (p42)
Station Road, Chapeltown (p43)
Turton Fair early 1900s (p43)
Cattle field c 1910 (p44)
High Street (p44)
Edgworth Agricultural Society (p45)
Territorials at Turton 1914  (p47)
Railway station (inner rear cover)
High Street (inner rear cover)
Turton Fair (back cover)