Saturday 28 January 1989

11. The History of Turton Mill


The history of the Black Rock water driven mill complex which at various times operated as a corn mill, cotton spinning mill, calico printer and bleachworks.


Publication Number11
TitleThe History of Turton Mill
AuthorR Lindop
Year Published1989
Number of Pages31
ISBN Number9781904974116
Amazon ASIN1904974112 (view on Amazon)
Price & AvailabilitySee publications list

Cover Photo

Turton Local History Society #11 - The History of Turton Mill


Early History
Sale of Turton Manor & Mill to Humphrey Chetham
New Mill Bridge
Typical Manor Court Record
Typical Lease of a Manor Tenement
Introduction of Calico Printing Adjacent to the Corn Mill
Mr. Bury's Run Away Apprentices
Sales of Goods of Richard Bury
Mr. John Charter
Mr. Charter's Run Away Apprentices
Enlarging Turton Mill Dam
Repairs to Mill Kiln
Workhouse Subscription
Repairs to the Water Wheel Buckets
Death of Mr. John Charter
Slutching the Mill Lodge
Mr. Prime Walker Bankrupt
Repairs to the Kiln
Mr. Giles Ashworth Takes Over the Printing Works
Mr. Ashworth Charged for Cleansing the Lodge
Death of Giles Ashworth (Senior)
Mr. Giles Ashworth (Junior) Fined
Breakup of the Manor of Turton
Turton and Entwistle Reservoir Survey
Valuation of Turton Mill
Introduction of Cotton Manufacture at Turton Mill
Cotton Spinning Established
Bleach and Dye Works Established
Re-discovery and Restoration of the Water Wheel

Surnames Included

Anderson, Ashworth, Bentley, Bowker, Brandwood, Bury, Carter, Charter, Chetham, Clegg, Crawshaw, Crompton, Crook, Darbyshire, Dearden, Duckworth, Entwistle, Frere, Garres, Graham, Greaves, Greene, Greenhalgh, Gregson, Hamer, Hardcastle, Harris, Haslam, Haworth, Hill, Hoare, Horrocks, Houghton, Howarth, Isherwood, Jackson, Kay, Knowles, Leigh, Lord, Marsh, Mather, Morris, Mullin, Nuttall, Orrell, Rawstron, Rostron, Rothwell, Temple, Walch, Walker, Whewell, Whowell, Wood, Woods

Surnames: Kay, Chetham, Ashworth, Dearden, Rostron
Word cloud indicating surname frequency